XAVS 378 and XAHS 408

(19-24 m³/min (672-847 cfm) / 7-14 bar (100-200 psi))
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  • 6% better efficiency compared to conventional compressors
  • ECO-mode – 50% fuel savings when your compressor is in idle mode
  • Robust design, with C3 certified corrosion-resistant canopy
  • Weight below 3500kg, adjustable towbar that can be operated by one person

Technical data

XAVS 378 XAHS 408
Nominal effective working pressure bar (g) 7-14 7-12
psi (g) 100-200 100-175
Free Air Delivery m³/min 22-19 24-20,8
l/s 367-317 400-347
cfm 778-672 847-735
Engine Cummins B6.7 Stage V